DSIL Coaching Center teaches You typing in Krutidev and Devlys font layout. you can practice Remington keyboard layout which have used for typing exam widely. Learning with above animated Typing tutor best option for beginners as they not need to see the keyboard, they can see which finger they have to use for type highlighted Hindi character.
The exercise crafted with scientific approach which makes learning Hindi typing in lesser time with high accuracy. In the beginning you can learn with keyboard display, after 4-5 days you can practice typing with hiding keyboard because your brain will make a mapping of Hindi keyboard layout.
Sitting position plays a vital role in practicing keyboard. Right position make you comfortable and relaxing while your learning typing. Sitting in correct posture on computer will enable you type fast. Right posture is most important to prevent yourself from any muscles pain.
Right Placement of fingers on he keyboard is crucial. You would notice there are a raised bar on 'F' and 'J' keys on keyboard, you should place your both index finger on that and rest of fingers will place in neighboring keys. Both thumb key will place at the space bar. These raised bar will help you in recognizing that your finger placement is at right place.
After sitting in right posture and place your fingers at right position begin your Hindi typing training. Start with home rows and practice it many times. We suggest you to practice one lesson daily. Don't mess-up your self in scoring statics, scoring will improve with time. Your focus must be on accuracy.
You should complete the training by practicing whole lessons and exercises, they include all alphabets, punctuation marks, numbers and shortcut keys also.
This is the "Guru Mantra" of typing, More you practice, your typing skill improves accordingly. A famous proverb is "Practice Makes Men Perfect" is completely fits here while you mastering Hindi typing. Practice a lesson daily and moves to next lesson on next day. After practice 3 lesson let's repeat from first lesson again.
Typing is the process of writing or inputting text by pressing keys on a typewriter, computer keyboard, cell phone, or calculator. It can be distinguished from other means of text input, such as handwriting and speech recognition.
Now you want to Learn more skills of Hindi Typing & Computer Please Visit to DSIL Coaching Center & Computer Institute.